
when adults build snow forts

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we spent this weekend camping at mount rainier. we got off to a slightly rough start, apparently you need to get to paradise and get your permit for camping by four pm. we didn't know that little fact and slipped through the gate at longmire, about 18 miles from paradise, at 5:20, ten minutes before they closed the gate.

we didn't see anyone at paradise to give us a permit, we knew it was free, so we taped a note to our window saying we would hike up in the morning to get a permit. then we got our gear on, tromped up onto the snow, and were about to go down the hill, and a ranger stopped us and told us we couldn't stay there tonight, we were too late and that the permit cutoff was at four pm, and there was a limit of 18.

so, we debated about staying in the inn down the hill but we didn't want to spend the money. we ended up driving 22 miles down the hill and sleeping in our car off a forest road about 8 miles out of the park.

saturday we finally got there. i'm running out of time to write now, so take a look at the tags in the slide show below!
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i've been tagged...how to explain. here are the rules as sent to me by jenny:

1. you must make a post called "tag!" (or some derivative thereof) and you must write a fact about yourself for every letter of your middle name.
2. each fact must start with that letter, like an acrostic poem.
3. then you have to tag one person for each letter of your middle name.
okay? so here goes--brooke

o-observant--i'm pretty detail-oriented

hmmmm.....i'm still thinking. i didn't forget, no need for further protests from sister-in-laws who shall not be named.


fine, i'll put up a stinkin' post.

as jenny, kerri, and jason requested: