
it's been a while

i tell you, it's rough not having the internet at home. i usually have to post from the in-laws' house or coffee shops. i've not had much coffee lately and i forgot my computer at our weekly monday night date with brian's parents.

correction: to my horror, i discovered that the "i just can't help myself post had cut off part of my letter about brian and was missing part of one paragraph and all of one or two more at the end. that unfortunate problem is now fixed.

we've been busily preparing the house and yard for a visit from my parents. that's been about all we've been up to. i've included some pics. we love our yard.

this is a view of our really big red tulips and the baskets of strawberries i was planting. we now have five hanging strawberry baskets in the back yard which should add some quaint color as well as delicious snacks come summer time.

here brian is fixing our hanging flowerbeds. they came with the house but were built so that they would drain down the side of the house and rot out the siding. brian fixed them and soon we'll plant "supertunias" in them. they look like petunias but apparently they are something special. i guess they are disease resistant and low maintenance.

this is the inside of our suprise purple tulips. we didn't know they were there!

these are two of the strawberry baskets i did. they're right outside the kitchen window of our little house out back. happy dishwashing!

these are the walla walla sweet onions brian planted. they're really good, especially on the grill, but we don't know if we killed them or not.

last but not least, this is our carport. no one can drive a car to it because of the way the houses and the garden are, so it is more of a covered patio area. it's messy right now, because of all the gardening and garage sale stuff, but we plan to have it cleaned out by the time my parents come. it's really fun to hang out there on warm summer nights.

now that you've all seen how splendid it is at the van houten residence, you should all come visit!


Anonymous said...

Looks great!! Sure glad you enjoy your yard. It is really fun to see all that is growing in it. Cannot wait for the vegetable garden and the onions. Love, Mom Connie (Brian's mom)

B said...

it does look super!

okay, i'm putting in a blog request-- can you all tell us a little bit of your story? (how it happened that you dated, got married, etc.) I'm dying to know!


The Goodfellas said...

yeah who is this brian fellow anyway???

grubedoo said...

I think we'll move in. How does May 18th sound?

Megan said...

Jason, sounds good! That is a busy week for is. We'll both be in Alaska from the 12th and I come home on the 17th. I think Brian is coming home on the 18th. I'm working on Saturday the 19th to make up for being in Alaska. What I'm trying to say is that we may not be much help with moving. Are you bringing furniture?

Megan said...

beth--good idea! I'll gather up some pictures and post something in the next week or so

grubedoo said...

I think we are bringing furniture. Storage is such a drag.

Megan said...

That works for is. We'll just make sure to get all our furniture out by then. We were going to do it anyway and this makes getting it cleaned up easier.

ningyo said...

Oh I'm glad I'll get to see more pictures! Why don't you guys have internet at home?