
our new addition

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walker texas ranger!

he is a half schipperke, half pomeranian mix and all love and energy. we started out just dog sitting, but we just had to keep him.


The Goodfellas said...

i can't believe you kidnapped that dog from its owner, megan. how sick is that.


he is adorable, by the way! i love his little face. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Megan,
Jarrett and I took care of Walker while Brian and Christy played soccer. He was so well behaved and a real love. It was so cute when Brian came off he field. Walker went crazy with excitment to see his dad. We really enjoyed the dog and what a great personality. Thanks for sharing. Jarrett really loved the Walker's personality. Walker even saw two other dogs that he was not afraid of. He stayed alert keeping track of where everyone was.


B said...

i was thinking, like matt, that i will never had you dog sit my dog. ;) how are you guys?