
a busy couple weeks

so it's been a fun week or so. brian went to alaska for a week and while he was gone the grubes left for a week so i got to take care of pender (the cat) and the garden all on my own for a while.

for my birthday, brian and i went out to the red house, which is my favorite restaurant in our little neighborhood. he gave me two lovely neclaces and three gorgeous flower arrangements for the house. i would put pictures of them up, but it's been really hot here and they're getting all wilty.

our cucumbers are doing quite well, in fact, too well. i've been taking them to work to give them away and we still have about 15 in the fridge.

here's an example of one day's harvest. we get about this many in a week lately.

the tomatoes got a trim from brian when he got home because they were so heavy that they were collapsing their cages and spilling out over the sidewalk.

here's a shot of the whole garden as of yesterday. it's gotten quite lush! we've already harvested all the radishes, lettuce, broccoli, and many herbs.

in other news, the time has come to say good bye to the altima. it needs more repairs than we are prepared to make, so we're looking into other options. we're trying to figure out what we can afford, financing, and other things to make a good choice, but at this point we are looking at possibly a used subaru forester. very seattle, don't you think??


The Goodfellas said...

happy birthday again!!!!!!!!! :)
what did you order at the red house? (megan megan how could you not tell me an important detail like this??!) ;)
and what kind of necklaces?! maybe we need some more pictures!

Anonymous said...

megs, i'm glad you had a fun birthday. i want to see the necklaces too! how fun!!!!!