
sorry kel, i'm a liar

i didn't get the pics up as promised, my internet was broken. here's what's been going on in the van houten household.

we've been learning to cook over open fires on our many camping trips. these were particularly delicious. we enjoyed them in a particularly private creekside location a few weeks. it was just the two of us.

we set up the shelter and enjoyed peaceful book time in our side-by-side camp recliners.

except when the posessed dear came into our campsite.

the true seattlites forgot their percolator. note the tube sock. we really don't recommend it, especially if you use fabric softener.

brian is really proud of how we've mastered camp bacon. this fire was at the bumping lake campground when we camped with rudy and anne and their two dogs.

we really need to start taking pictures of us together. here's brian looking cute, but we don't have any together ones.

for our anniversary weekend we stayed at the woodland cabin again, which brought back many great honeymoon memories and reminders of how exciting it was to be finally married. we had a great time hiking and relaxing and enjoying each other's company.

we went on a hike at mt. rainier, which turned out to be much shorter than planned because there was much more snow than we anticipated. brian got in a high altitude run, though. that's him in the white shirt on the patch of non-snow.

he returned from the run invigorated and we slid back down the mountain on our butts with glee. actually, it was really cold and that icy snow is kind of sharp and grainy. it was still fun.

on the ecening of the 4th we went up to the penthouse in brian's old apartment because they were putting on a huge fireworks show for our anniversary.

i'd consider going back to renting for this view.


The Goodfellas said...

wow!!!!!! that is sooo cool that they did that show for your anniversary! yay!!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

yay!!!!! pictures!!!!! it was so fun to see you guys!!!!! looks like you have been having such a lovely time!!!! i can't believe that seattle puts on fireworks for your anniversary! that's amazing! ;) the sock picture is pretty gross though... well, not the picture, but the idea of the sock.... did you drink it??